John Darc

Is it a spoiler to discuss who's dead in Nick's family?  Hint, it's the person not mentioned in the blurb.  And considering the show has found a way to shoehorn in Nick Kroll and Bill Burr…

Does the Iron Man heart battery replacement scene count?

Man, any random person can put up a pathetic letter on the internet and people just assume it's factual.

I just think they're cute kids, is all.

I've got a couple of consistency notes:

@avclub-3e4f6dea564f9b7f87c72c07fd3f761e:disqus Remember, he's "pudgy" in the show universe.

Oh I get it.  It's a river.

Imagine Jim Zulevic had been cast?  And then died in the middle of the show's run?  Hmm.

It's probably a Hollywood thing, like referring to stuff by acronym only or anything in Variety.

Jenna Fischer's not…unattractive, you need to remember that.  And there's that oft-repeated story about how her agent told her to be super boring at the audition, so she went in looking very homely and refused to elaborate on questions

Dwight would be way more into Europop and West Coast gangsta rap.

Well he's got that one Emmy for writing Season 2.  That's probably the only season that deserved it.

Hmm.  Along with Brandon Routh, it seems like fucking up at the audition can also get you roles.

And that is why Joss Whedon is full of shit when he says things like "You either make TV or you watch TV".  Bullshit.  He was a huge fan of Veronica Mars and the Office.

I doubt Nick knows what a gym is.

They already had Olivia Munn on this show as the wild stripper lady who was super IN YO FACE about it, remember?  She wants to be a normal girl with Nick except when she wants to fire guns while having sex and swap sexual partners.

Is Repo Men the movie where that guy's brother drowns?

I can only assume he's getting his fill from that one hooker who does shit they don't have names for yet.

I can assume he's only out to kill Tim now?  Basically he doesn't care about being in Boyd's crew anymore.

Drew-bacca?  I just got that!