John Darc

Yeah but John Krasinski was smart enough not to quit his cushy sitcom gig for movies.

Oh, good. Someone tell Todd: racism in Girls is over.

Nick is like a male Britta in that they are a complete life mess and somehow that makes them more appealing to the opposite sex.  But of course, they're both TV pretty so it's unrealistic to life.

Yeah, if you recall during the episode with that marathon and Nick's college one night stands, the chick played by Cerie claims her therapist got her the scarf and said something about how she's Asian but surprisingly nice.

Considering the episode was originally titled "Guys' Night", I wonder why it changed.

If I understand AVClub rules, they should be ending reviews of this show very soon.

I thought this season was supposed to have been disappointing, not solid.  Your ratings confused and scare me.

I get it.  It was a symbol of something that shouldn't be forgotten.  Yes, it's indelibly tied to Hasselhoff's stupid light up jacket and mediocre karaoke skills, but it also means that they can do something silly like build a club right where the wall once used to be.  The wall pieces should stay up as a memorial or

I'm glad that so far, it does seem like it's only 4th wall breaking scenes and not just having a character look at the camera (for a POV shot or something)

I saw a THR article today about it.  Fuller talked to his agent and was rebuffed because PD would cost way more than 2 million.

They had that.  It was a comic that was also cancelled.  Fuller was tweeting pages a while back.  Ned goes to a graveyard during a flood and all the dead bodies wash past him.

@olivececile:disqus Alright, replace feathers and beads with dashikis.

I think Chang is Kevin now.  And I know Chang was a late replacement for Pierce during the Christmas episode, whenever that airs.

More like was.

It certainly does feel a bit darker, even compared to the Hunger Games episode.

I actually liked the Mr. F story.

Yeah but remember, the philosophy was always to tell a good story and then make it an homage.  This was kinda purposeless and had no point cause of the Chang stuff.

The most notable wardrobe continuity is Annie's hair.

That was just doubly bad, one because they ignored it, and two because Jeff hasn't been evil lawyer Jeff since early in Season 1.  For him to want to learn to pretend to be good so he can do bad is character regression in service of a joke.

Or does it?