John Darc

Remember, Dan Harmon doesn't have a problem with Chevy other than his incredibly unprofessional behavior and how it affects the crew.  Harmon finds the human urge to not be forgotten or ignored utterly fascinating.  He doesn't however necessarily find racism all that funny.  So S2 Pierce sort of made sense, where as

You forgot that Annie quit health care management in her senior year to become a forensic scientist.

Also no Pavel.  I'm glad Garrett (or the actor who plays him who posts on AVClub) had fun, though.

It's not a bad look for her.  I wanna say it's for a movie she's doing, though.  So I assume she'll dye it back for a potential Season 5.  Or maybe she'll just keep it brown and have a hair transformation like HIMYM's Lily.

When she was doing her talking head with the scientist, you got a ton of cleave.

Considering how they've lampshaded the fact a few times, were they just too lazy in Season 1 to look up the Spanish word for Korean?  It's Coreano, btw.  I learned that from watching HIMYM reruns en SAP.

I could dig them having Chang realize that the reason no one wants him around is because he's a fucking lunatic and an unrepentant asshole, and that this faking Kevin thing is actually his one chance for people to let bygones be bygones and for Chang to finally be accepted at Greendale.

Well they went to the trouble of bringing back Chang's wife from the first season, only to sort of flush it down the toilet.  So Chang's basically never been sane?  Even when he was a guy who had a wife and a job (albeit one he faked his way through)?

When the news first came out, all the headlines ran with "Chevy Chase says racial slur on set" when in reality, he was complaining that at the rate the writers were going, Pierce was going to start calling Troy and Shirley n-words.  So yes, he's not necessarily as much of an asshole as he's made out to be.  Still

Actually, people in the DC area don't care for the Redskins name anymore. They're just "The Skins" to most people anyway.

Goddamnit. It's like they don't even want to be liked by non-white folk.

How good of a plan can City College be planning if it involves Greendale getting crazy amounts of money? Also, isn't the next episode about Greendale being poor again? That's what you get when you air episodes out of order like this.

It's sort of like the writers learned nothing.  Remember last season where they wrote the last half of the season in a bubble, and so they went too far with almost everything?

@avclub-cf50b28ef624912ff106c57ca9be41dc:disqus ….Yes.

This was the first Documentary episode not written by Megan Ganz. Can't be sure if she would have made it any better, though.

I've heard he only does it when something breaks.

But your terrible indy wrestling league Resistance Pro made me think you weren't a fan of head injuries.

My answer is a three way tie between Radiohead's "Creep", TLC's "Creep", and Stone Temple Pilots' "Creep".

Yeah but Death to Smoochy was more about the darkness of a role like that. This seems to take Vegas and street magic seriously.  One is far more timeless.