John Darc

Don't you have to be super famous to have a cameo? Otherwise it's known as "a small role"?

That's cute.  Marina Squerciati has a LinkedIn page where she lists Gossip Girl as a job, like people do with food or retail jobs.

@avclub-a5645f9f05d250acc9e20bb01c4e8b08:disqus That strike really did a number on that first season and by extension, the 2nd season.

She can't be gang raped if she's dying of space AIDS.

A few episodes are apparently on Crackle, but my favorite Seinfeld related site has got to be the one that just streams Seinfeld continuously. You can basically fall asleep to Seinfeld.  It's almost like having a cable subscription again, or living a life that continuously loops from 11:00PM-11:30PM

They started showing it on Chiller recently, so I keep getting notifications. Before that it would just get mentioned offhandedly

Ok, Todd. You can keep either Girls or Enlightened.

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus You can probably look into some sort of ant traps. They can tell the spray is there, I think.  At least, that's what I've been reading during my own journey to rid my apartment of vermin.  Spraying poison too close to bait just makes them ignore both.

If you boil down the article to what I thought it was going to be about, which is "What people who like _Girls_ see in it", that'd be fine.  And for the most part, this article is that.  But it's also weirdly loose in allowing the perpetuation of non-diversity and stereotypes and dismissive of the hype it gets for

When did John Francis Daley stop being a "that guy" on TV shows and start being a mediocre writer?

It's not a very high bar.

I'm waiting for the sequel, Joe Wonderstone.

Honestly, with the Kickstarter thing happening, and all these show runners going "Yes, I am trying really hard" on Twitter, who knows?


If you see Alison Brie and she's doing a "British accent", you're watching Five Year Engagement.

I liked the old pitch idea they mentioned, where Keith is still in prison taking the fall for Veronica and she misses graduation.  Again.

Pushing Daisies notification for this?

I had heard that the film's main issue was that there was no ending.  It presents a choice and then doesn't show you what choice was made.

The scene where she's in the car with Jeff at his dad's house?  Dat hair.

They plan on shooting the movie this summer, but um…will Kristen Bell still be with child by that time? I'd prefer they not have to shoot around a baby bump like some sort of noir Three's Company.