John Darc

Oh good, whoever made that didn't forget Rian's stint on Terriers.


The escape from the basement near the end starts to grate on me if I think too hard about it.  But yes, it feels like Brick is a movie I can always check out if I see it playing somewhere.

One fedora per crew?

Well potheads sleep, perhaps too much.  It's the tweakers like the ones in the film who don't,

For a class I took, we had to basically reshoot/recreate the opening scenes of Brick (everything past the body in the tunnel, so the locker/note/phone/car stuff.  Nobody on our team smoked, so we put a bracelet on the pavement and just had our "Brendon" chase random cars passing in the street out of the frame.)  The

I've written enough college papers on this movie to know that the score is, I believe, actually spoons and bottles and garbage and the like.  You're not wrong, D'Angelo.

I think the episode with the roaches is where I stopped watching.

I was wondering about that, since I know I saw the pilot on Netflix a few weeks ago.  You'd think the show would have been easier to keep around.

I don't get it.  Is this a satirical attempt to drum up a Bieber rumor?

Sheamus is one of the worst faces in recent memory in terms of doing stuff we're supposed to like.

@avclub-657ac3d8c338ebc94982e59f7e588ef5:disqus Yeah but even Gunn started off as a street thug who could never quite escape who he was.

Haven't we seen him plenty naked before? Where was the scar?

I thought the gag was that he had stolen Jeff's clothes from his apartment.  Or at least bought clothes that looked exactly like an outfit Jeff has worn before.

It certainly is quite jarring.  I had kinda got it in my head that they'd be doing a modern interpretation of it complete with revised dialogue but I suppose that's blasphemous when it's Shakespeare. But yeah, awkward as hell.  For a movie that was inspired by a bunch of drunk friends hanging out, can't say I'm

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus Still waiting for the day for people to stop feeling sorry for Joss Whedon.  He's been rich for most of his career.

Her photo shoots are her successful vehicle, cause they get my motor running.

He could get a bunch of his non-white character actors, like um…Book.  And Kendra.  And um…Sierra?

Documentaries are like real movies but with ugly people.

He partied hard at Aunt Flo's.