John Darc

Ah yes, Frasier's adding of water to wine to make it taste bad.

I'm younger than Koski and I still have fond memories of watching the show as a kid.  Same thing with whoever it was who said they didn't really watch Friends: every latch key kid whose babysitter was the TV should have seen all these shows.  I mean, you write for AVClub!

I saw him in Curtains and the place fucking exploded when he first showed up and at the curtain call.  He's also quite good.  He wasn't just getting cheers because of TV connections.

I guess SNL is still a big enough thing that they're afraid of him.  Not to mention 30 Rock and other Broadway Video productions.

And that "Up All Night" would be a show they were watching, making them the Tommy Westphall/Mr Belvederes of their world.

I've seen Turn Off the Dark.  There are probably more people watching that than Up All Night.

Wait, I haven't seen this season.  The mark recognized one of the guys from Super Troopers?  That just seems like they didn't think that through.

See, my main issue with the EW post mortems is how blatantly ass pulled these plots are.  They had no idea who Drew was going to be, then it was going to be a randomly introduced Clover Hill guy, then Josiah Cairn, and then it became Shelby.  Aren't these shows supposed to be more tightly written?

But people like meta, right?

I like how the article blatantly states that "X gave showrunner duties over to his friend Y, who was going to get their wife Z to star on the new revamped series".  Nepotism WOW!

From the article, it seems like the fact that Lorne Michaels was behind it was the only thing keeping the show alive.  And for some reason, Arnett and Rudolph being "afraid" of Lorne.

"Was she in breach of contract? Perhaps, but she might have argued that the revamped Up All Night was so different that her deal was void. Either way, NBC didn't want a battle and let her go."
Explains how the hell Applegate wasn't sued into oblivion.  Doesn't explain why Arnett and Rudolph don't get the fuck out while

Black dudes have names like Troy, but brown dudes have names like Abed.

What's fucking weird is Port and Guarascio's constant references to episodes they tried to make that the network kept telling them were too weird/saying "no" to.  They keep trying to make people think they're just like Dan Harmon, which is probably the last thing they should be doing.  They've pinned the network up as

Especially with his questions about security with the john later? Definitely, but it's all for naught now that everyone knows who Drew is.

In the words of Mr. Friendly, she's not his type.

I'm realizing that I'm really bad at following the plots of these shows.  Why are people after Drew? Drew only ran away and faked his death because he can put away a much bigger menace in Theo Tonin.

His career page isn't that upsetting.  Directing several successful but critically panned films? Getting a producing credit for Role Models?  That's not so bad.

How'd that case go?

I had never heard of Frazz until recently, but I sorta like the idea that Calvin had a good amount of success as a songwriter but stayed as a janitor to hang out with people he liked.