John Darc

Was PodMass always two pages?  Anyway, yay Art of Wrestling!  Marc Maron even had Colt Cabana on WTF a while back because they are pretty much the same podcaster type.  Colt even has a wrestling persona based off Maron.

It's a good thing she abandoned most of her duties at 2 Broke Girls to do Whitney, eh?

Dominic Dierkes writes for the show, right?

Oh my god, that strung out looking chick and her husband are still on the show? I watched the shit out of the first season of Southland before they pulled the TNT nonsense with Seasons 2+.  She was always the worst because she had her shitty photography and kept fucking up her husband's life by showing up at work all

Who's Todd VanDerff?

…Why'd they remove it from the app store?

Will Arnett's character should move back to Long Island and run his dad's oil company.

I thought he was pretty alright as the strung out fast dude on Alphas.

I have no idea what this show is or when TVClub started covering it.

Hey man, they played Jewel on the radio after 9/11 when the only radio signal we could pick up were emergency broadcasts.

JERRY: You know, this is like that Twilight Zone where the guy wakes up, and he's the same - but everyone else is different!

I guess my main issue with the more famous mashups is that I didn't really like the Black Album or the White Album.  That made the Grey Album all but impenetrable.

I wanted the Emmy association to take back the Emmy after Season 3 started.

The Office hasn't been a documentary in seasons.  It hasn't been a _good_ documentary for even longer.  I think it was around Season 3 when they started having the documentary crew get impossible shots and magically appear in places they had no ability to be in.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus If they didn't want us to demand Frisky Dingo for TVClub Classic, they shouldn't have put it in that poll they had earlier last year.

“I'm a white male aged 18 to 49.  Everyone listens to me, no matter how dumb my suggestions are.”

I had almost forgotten about the first retool where they gave Maya Rudolph more stuff to do, and that's after her role had been changed in the pilot stage from "friend of star" to "one of the stars", right?

The cancellation of Animal Hospital was a massive collusive conspiracy with Up All Night to get Crystal the Monkey a more compelling show to lead.

I always thought the cantaloupe thing was her assistant trying to make her feel better/hit on her?  I haven't seen the movie in a good while, but I think that's how I took it.

So what you're saying is that this show is Robocop 2, Back to the Future 3, and the center slice of a square cheese pizza?