John Darc

That certainly is some High Tension, twist falls apart if you think about it too hard shit.

Totally thought that was Dr Rosen's daughter from Alphas.

@avclub-ef7d8ff636c7f5e86f5e63b5acfd2859:disqus Krakow? Like in Poland?

Remember when Adult Swim aired a bumper that basically said "Xtacles or more Frisky Dingo.  Choose." and of course, people chose Frisky Dingo.

The first two tracks off The Strokes' "Room On Fire" are a pretty amazing sign of what is coming.

Tonight's best gag was just Chris' flu reaction multiplied by 3.  Also gotta love that China Joe.

What would it matter? It's the characters who are bankrupt, morally.

What would it matter? It's the characters who are bankrupt, morally.

Oh, I get it.  By setting up Abed's Happy Place, they have an outlet for every hacky sitcom joke they want to write and an excuse for every hacky sitcom joke that comes out.

I wasn't happy to hear all the negative stuff last night on Twitter, but remember, last year's premiere had a whisper/slow moment in Jeff's drug induced reverie.  And that episode….was also weak.  Hmm.

Todd is Abed now.

Maybe it was Meyers back in the pilot stage, before Simone was cast? And then they started writing CeCe more towards the actress they got and playing up her Indian-ness.

I don't know if it was on AVClub, but I read an article once about how the mockery and hatred for Studio 60 is so great, it's one of the few shows for which the parody Twitter accounts are still active and heavily followed.

When I first heard the concept I laughed harder than I probably have watching an episode of the show.  But I want to give it a chance.

@avclub-1fc4c90c7c2adb18b6b273447d1ee2e9:disqus I know Olyphant has some creative pull with that sort of thing.  He had Raylan run that prison guard over instead of shoot him and we were better off for it.  Also he's kept trying to get more Tim and Rachel in the show and he's done pretty alright so far this season.

That makes more sense. I just wasn't clear on the particulars.

CeCe's last name is Park?  Wikipedia lied to me.

I'm actually completely done.

Yeah, I had only seen the pilot intro when I had written that, with the photos of Zooey smiling and winking and then just the whispered "It's Jess".  The fuller intro is also not great, but I do appreciate that the guys audibly groan in disgust.

I'm working my way through New Girl!  I'm in DC!  I am also friendless and jobless and I hate my life.