Shirtless Dad


Land of Labia?

Not tonight he doesn't. Come. In the night. Trogdor.

Nothing says 'ladies man' like a paralysed snow boarder.

This set off all of my show alerts.

I like how they conveniently cut away when it came to Jesse having to swing open that massive hatch. Took me out of it a little bit.

Did anyone ask for this? They're barely a step up from Nickelback.

Why do I suddenly feel VIOLENTLY INCLINED?

Very well, I retract my statements!

He could have quite easily put himself there for appearances sake.

I find it interesting how everyone seems to take it as a given that Walt's cancer has indeed come back. Who has told us this? Walt and Walt alone. He's hardly the most reliable of narrators.

The tortoise with a severed head on its shell saved Walt with a pair of keys in its mouth.

'YouTube commenters, have been depressing.'

Also it's not actually a BBC show. Over here it's shown on the commercial channel 'Channel 4', so I'd imagine it would be pretty difficult contractually to do a same day showing.

Butlers gotta keep buttlin'.

I think you all mean Batt Momer.