
First - wow, a reply to a five-year-old comment I made! Skip182, I dub thee necromancer!

Also, no need to worry about cleaning out your coke vials before you drop off the car. I always forget and end up, on my way to the garage, having to pull over at the dumpster behind the elementary school.

@Dick Miller: I agree with you that the portrayal of SAMCRO isn't a fully realistic depiction of a 1%er MC. Unlike The Wire or Sopranos, though, depicting a 1%er MC realistically would mean depicting the protagonists of the story with full-on, intentional and malicious white-supremacist-style racism in their hearts.

Kreskin: County lockup medical care will get you patched up, and not much else, and Chibs would get emergency medical service regardless of his insurance/cash-on-hand status, but not for free. Same with Tig. They'll get billed for the services, and if they clearly can't pay they won't get anything beyond

@Killer Dynamo: I would assume that there exists a machine that could read the serial numbers in an automated fashion, rather than requiring a Dickensian office full of stenographers and clerks laboriously reading the numbers from each bill and scratching them out on parchment with quill pens dipped in pots of ink,

Dollar dollar bill, y'all
Did anyone else get the feeling that Skylar knew more than she let on when she and Walt had their discussion on the couch at the end of this ep? I suspect Gretchen and/or Elliot spilled all the beans to Skylar, and she decided to play it close to see if Walt would come clean on his own.

Last week, Ellen described Daniel, the missing seven model, as artistic and sensitive to the world. Starbuck has these qualities, as well, because she *is* the seven model, not because she's descended from him.