Bad College DJ 5304

If only…
I wish AVclub would put the rating system on everything. For example, this story would get an A+.

This album
is incredible. Admittedly, the album will probably get stale after a while.

Fuck LA. Fuck NYCers. The entire world does not revolve around those two fucking cities.

When I heard Santa dog
All I could think about was Tim and Eric awesome show great job! That song would fit perfectly with their show.

Your coworkers know you are trying to manipulate their opinion of you. You have succeeded in looking like a conceited cocky douche (via facebook).

dibs on movie rights

Royal Octopus,
I believe you're referring to a Radler, which is beer and lemonade not beer and sprite. It is genuinely delicious. I believe its called a Shandy in the UK.

can we get someone
to taste test skittlebrau? You know, that beer that has candy floating in it.

the new theme song
I love it

That link makes it sounds like its a nuclear byproduct. A delicious, nuclear byproduct.

at best you can claim to be the "first last poster"

lincoln's revenge,
i thought thats how the interweb worked? every time you click on something robots high-five

so Chang was right in every way. It totally is a Chinese knock off. Right down to the superfluous labeling. I guess it's the American way.

ugh, Moxie is the worst soda on the planet. That is not something to be proud of Mainians. A pepper soda is not a good idea (except, of course, if you are a doctor).