Meadow Enthusiast

You have been sacked.

@avclub-e2684ea2157a2423b7463536886837b2:disqus This calls for a Xanadu reboot!

@avclub-e2684ea2157a2423b7463536886837b2:disqus This calls for a Xanadu reboot!

Give me
Your Dirty Love
Like you might surrender
To some tortoise in your dreams

Give me
Your Dirty Love
Like you might surrender
To some tortoise in your dreams

Refresh is your friend . . .

Refresh is your friend . . .

I don't have a problem with that.

I don't have a problem with that.

Look at that picture up there. That is a pizza burrito.
But P'rrito sounds silly so they went with P'zolo.

Look at that picture up there. That is a pizza burrito.
But P'rrito sounds silly so they went with P'zolo.

Agreed, and I — wait, who switched the pic with a shot of the Sexy Futuristic Supreme Court?

Agreed, and I — wait, who switched the pic with a shot of the Sexy Futuristic Supreme Court?

Patti Dooke swings like a goddamned key party.

Patti Dooke swings like a goddamned key party.

Just realized the clip embedded above is in mono, completely neutering Belew's awesome riff at the 1:00 mark.

Just realized the clip embedded above is in mono, completely neutering Belew's awesome riff at the 1:00 mark.

Genius Of Love without Belew would be one boring-ass song.

Genius Of Love without Belew would be one boring-ass song.

Make a noise like you're choking. Or you can actually choke yourself.