Meadow Enthusiast

Just add Meat Loaf.

How about Six Days, Seven Nights?

Kind of like Andy Taylor being your fave Duran.

I asked myself if I'd like to have sex with me.

I can never have diarrhea correctly.

Because I refuse to leave the Bronx.

This may be in reference to the Super Adventure Team:
(Giant Zombie Lincoln makes his appearance at about 15 min.)

The trailers for these movies are very entertaining in that after about 30 seconds of thinking it's a legitimate film, you'll realize that every actor seems to be a community theater reject. "Wait a minute", you'll think. "Something's not right."

I guess what we're trying to say is that it's now your responsibility to sneak up to the building in the dead of night and pry the S off of their sign.

What's Zaat you say?

Oh no, my Articulate-Insight-O-Meter just exploded!

I tend to think that Nolan is some sort of evil wizard who never made Inception at all, he just put a spell on the whole world so that occasionally when we fall asleep, we all dream that we have rented/bought a nonexistent film and watch it.

But I need your PIN number to get $ out of the ATM machine!

The most delicious trash is adjacent trash.

Based on the headline, I do like the idea of a new show called "Everything But Rob" where the whole premise revolves around giving every person and every thing in Hollywood — washed-up z-listers, even inanimate objects — starring roles in an episode.

I can no longer hear you laughing.

Is you serious?


The Taco Bell chihuahua reads For Whom The Bell Tolls.

Glad to see my favorite meme take the top spot, mostly because I always imagine it being yelled by some social reject to no one on an empty bus.