Meadow Enthusiast

This is how I conceived my baby.
I named her Peggy.


what the . . . ?

To me Riot Act was the point where they stopped sounding like PJ and started sounding like "generic rock band". The Avacado album was 100% forgettable and that's where I gave up for good.

Okay what is this shit?

Most of the time when someone does this, even if I know the song I don't have any idea what it refers to.

George Liquor only has one friend, but in binary that's all of them.

It's easier to Hail Satan than hail a taxi in this godforsaken hellhole.

I couldn't get through the first ten minutes of that movie. Shall I assume it's in reference to Toronto's mediocre baseball team?

Pregnant Teenage Ninja Turtles

I think Costner beat him to death with a shovel.
That scene on infinite loop is the only thing that will appease the bloodlust of AVClubbers.

Eclairs: delicieux.


Horse d'oeuvres.

I'm sorry I can't speak any louder.
I'm a little horse.

She'll be wearing, like, the most totally awesome dressage in this show.

Squarepegs squarepegs, square, square, PEGS!

I agree with everyone in this thread except me.

I thought Tykwer did a fantastic job with Perfume, long considered unfilmable due to its narrative style. Ridley Scott made an attempt and gave up, but Tykwer really came through and made it his own.