Meadow Enthusiast

That is the most concise and accurate description of our political system I think I've ever heard. You get +1 Like and an extra seasoning packet for your ramen.

As a Meadow Enthusiast, I fear that lately my enthusiasm has escalated into full-blown fetish. I skipped work today to roll around in the forget-me-nots. So ashamed.

This is sure to be the seminal episode of Archer.

The headline caused my Grammar-o-meter to start smoking and spitting sparks — until I realized "Refused" is the name of a rock and roll music group.

Douchecanoe and Tyler too!

All the slap bass sounds phenomenal in that song, but I'm finding it harder these days to tell if that kind of bass is played live or is sampled/sequenced. Justice's "Cross" came the closest yet to sounding real. With Claudia Lewis I'm leaning toward real except for the last riff before the break.

Moribund movie-men may make many moves of malicious mischief for massive mountains of manmade moon money.

During Giants/Falcons on Sunday I went from really wanting Atlanta to win, to spending the entire fourth quarter praying to the football gods not to let them score so they'd end the game with a final score of 2.

I would move away from her backside if I were you.

If by "beat the shit out of" you mean "rape", then I would watch the shit out of that.

Looking forward to Extreme Inertia.

Clearly you're not taking into account the "Moron With The Popeye Tattoo" books and films that will capture the world's imagination in 2019.

If anyone needs me I'll be in my room oscarbating.

Yeah! Show me the birth certificates!

I'll take a free Orange Julius, but if you pull out a clipboard and start asking questions I will cut off your feet.

+1 for his astonishing ability to play so creatively and sing so well, almost like trying to play three pianos at once. Also, every lead singer benefits immensely by having that incredible voice behind him.

You do realize that the qualifier "up to" means anywhere from 0 to 700, kinda like an "up to 70% off" sale. If there were 1/150th of a song on each one of those tapes, there would be exactly one song.

Hint for PS3 Skyrim: Turn off all autosaving and freezing all but disappears. Whiterun no longer looks like a slideshow. Also: the load times are much shorter because the game no longer autosaves everytime you exit a building. Downside: Save often or you'll lose hours of work.

This holiday season, buy that special someone a new 4G cellophane.

That was a pun on his girlfriend's name.
It's not as funny if I have to 'splain it.