Meadow Enthusiast

Know you nothing of honey, sir?


Utter brilliance!

After moths of being pummeled with endless Dawes references at AVC, I finally heard them the other day.

Is there still time to convice an entire stadium full of fans to walk out  on national television as soon as halftime starts?


It's going to have to be Before Midnight with both agreeing to meet for a midnight flight and run away together, because they have realized they were always meant to be.

What?! CancerAids makes you fat?!

Fucking And Punching.

Today she didn't even have to use her AK.
Today was a good day.

Which begs the question, if you ate your own head and then had to vomit, would it be directly into your stomach? Because that's where your mouth would be.

Doctor, it hurts when I pee. Could there be something wrong with my Urethra Franklin?

Her voice makes me want to lock her in a closet, but only to protect her lovely lilt from all the evils of the world. I'm not a creep though, I'd still feed and water her.

Here's hoping for a live-action South Park movie.
One vote for Maria Bello as Mr. Hat.

You've caught Canada!

Mmmmm . . . buckets of desiccated hummus . . .

That's OK, I'm sure they'll be safer with me at the local screening of A Serbian Film.

Yes, but can he pour Jack Daniels all over himself as the highlight of his bass "solo"?


Who are you referring the?