Meadow Enthusiast

Well! It's a good thing this movie is hung like a credit card.
I'm sure it will fit.

Maria Conchita Alonso.

Stop saying "Cobra Commander".

Her presence in anything makes me want to scream until I'm . . . uh, what's that word for when you're throat's all raspy when you try to talk?

I usually don't like this kind of music at all, but I could not stop listening to $O$ all year. I am also ashamed of my attraction to Yolandi, the shame is exciting, the excitement is shameful, feedback loop, etc.

Hello WalMart? This is Warren Buffet. Say, could you close down your store for a few hours? I'd like to do some shopping.

300 dollars weigh one pound.
What a terrible exchange rate!

New sign at KFC: To order a Famous Bowl you must be this famous.


Can I get a what what?

That's all well and good, but I've been waiting all day for news on the reboot of the indie thriller Martha Marcy May Marlene.

One day Sheltie will die and I'll get the money.

It's hard out there for a gimp.

Prince George: What can I do with a woman that I can't do with you?
Blackadder: I cannot conceive, sir.

"The gates to my mansion are rustproof. I travel thoughout all of England soaking other celebrities' gate hinges and make sure their wrought iron ornaments are flooded. The city is fine, but the country's the best place to find free food scraps in people's trash after it's been thrown away.

Excellent news, although I am not looking forward to more of Roback's pentatonic guitar solos.
I 've never trusted that guy since discovering Five String Serenade uses all six strings.

I'm having a hard time with Gonzalez' whiny vocals — and the lack of Kibby's contributions which made S=Y transcendent. The songs are very good though, and I hope the vocal affectations will grate less with repeated listening.

Screw all y'all — I can't do it!
I rescind my request for punishment and in celebration will stare at the above pic for three hours without blinking.

I would like to punch E.T. as hard as I can.