Meadow Enthusiast

The fourth dimension is not smell, it's time.

On the fence with this one. The demo was visually interesting, but I couldn't get the hang of the fighting style and the cutscenes were abysmal. On the other hand, reviews are unanimously positive. I try to support games that take chances, but a drop to $40 would make up my mind.

Lawgiver, you're a good man, and thorough.

Hustlers move aside, so I'm tiptoein', to keep flowin'
You like a Wilson brotha to me
You mean Luke?
Nah, you be Owin'

I am rich and stupid, but if anyone says so publicly I'll sue them for everything I've got!

It was my birthday yesterday, Crindy, and you didn't wish me Happy Birthday like my 2174 other friends did. I guess we're not good friends like I thought so you can fuck off and don't contact me anymore. Oh, tell your Mom I said hi and thank her for the peach cobbler recipe.

I found an odor? YOU'RE made to order!
This entire coat's made out of ordure!

If you put Steve Allen into the Steve-O-Meter, you'll discover that Steve Allen has already thought of Steve Allen.

If the will.sm.ith comeback involves him just showing up and not rapping, he has my full support.

I also heard that he and his parents were able to communicate very effectively, especially while he was a teenager — although I may be thinking of someone else . . .

That's what I said, cornbread!


I like to stay so far back that I'm at home.

Actual graffito on a bridge on my way to work: "HEP C IS HOTT"

wtf is a patoot lol

The Cram?
Not The Cram . . . THE CRAM.

Actually, I prefer fish-fried steak.

If she's 52 minutes away from her 18th birthday, just make sure you last 53 minutes.

This is my drawing of Jim Belushi:

And the thirteen competing versions of Gary.