Meadow Enthusiast

@Felt Pelt
Holy crap that was the craziest focus pull I've ever seen.

Dear Cup Of Yogurt,

He has forever ruined for me the chicken sangwich.

Ah! The rarest of the rare: the elusive triple nine-thousandsies.

Okay, I really don't like meadows all that much.
I'm just trying really hard to be cool.
Is it working?

What are you reading for?

…I nearly beat an owl to death with a stick, but not on purpose.

Just sit in front of your open fridge all day like a real American.

I looked down and my hand was a foot.

This is my drawing of Wesley Scroggins:

Scroggins can just go find a stranger in the Alps.

^^ Well, if that isn't nice, I don't know what is. ^^

The following statement is true.
The previous statement is false.

All right, it looke like we're out of time. I'm just so proud of all of you for opening up and for using your indoor voices. See you all back here next week!

Time Warner Cable
needs to stop swimming in the freezing ocean, come lie down next to me on the beach and warm up.

Her one defining feature (anime eyes) is covered, so it could be anyone in that pic. It could be a dolled-up, reanimated Jessica Tandy for all we know.

Gary IX is dead, long live Gary X!

Hey! I used to play bass for Magical Space Diarrhea.

- funny
- got really good delivery
- can think on her feet