Meadow Enthusiast

It's OK SD, it's difficult to think straight all covered in squee.

Why are they all raising their eyebrows at me? Oh, I guess that's become the style now — "Do Me" brows — a sort of perpetually suggestive bemusement.

Frank Zappa called this Death By Nostalgia, in which you cannot take a step without feeling nostalgic about the step you just took.

When Pablo Honey was released, no one ever thought in a million years that Radiohead would become what they are today . Talk about a left turn.

It can be "exhausting" being an insufferable asshole.
Trust me.

This one time I wore a Chess King cardigan (ironically) to a party and this dude was wearing the same cardigan only he was all earnest about it. Which made for an entertaining amount of frolicsome frivolity and justifiably jejune jiggery-pokery I can tell you.

Facebook is so 2009 — join the teens, people.
LiveJournal is back!

That's the last time I shake any one's hand again EVER.
Or as certain people call it: The Scissor Greeting.

May you cutsk your handsk on the lidsk of a spinach cansk.

Left on, Hinks!

Contract schmontract.
I still get to be famous, right?

Why would anyone buy a used vagina when you can just rent one?

Warwilfs don't cast shadows!

Sheen tampered in God's domain.

However, if you're a Weird Al fan, you'd be INSANE to miss that riff. In the 100 or so they've done it is definitely Top 5.

Apparently what they want to be is Professional Drunks, while playing music on the side.

I discovered this great song through the Aquarium Rescue Unit, then sought out McCann, but never followed up on the actual songwriter.

No matter how long I stare into my Bakelite receiver, I can't see no goddamned Lawrence of Arabia. Am I supposed to look at the talk hole or the listen hole?

It's OK GH, I hate sandcastles too.

How did Frink not snipe this firstie?