Meadow Enthusiast

MST fistbump.

I am working on a gun that shoots mice, but I'm running out of ammo.
Please send me all your unused lab mice and I will include your name on the patent.

She has a very small soapbox.

Woman: I really can't come to your party, I can't bear fools.
Parker: That's strange, your mother could.

Go back to MNF.

Cole slaw is the funniest slaw.

Only when I am not cleaning the splooge from my goat leggings.

F5 is your friend.

Flat, bland passion meanders across the screen!

I am working on a gun that fires chandeliers.
Ammo is scarce. Any ideas? I'll give full patent credit.

Successful horror writers love EDM!

Torgo the Unregistered.

It was the smurfed of times.

There ain't no crazy like Nic Cage crazy cuz the Nic Cage crazy don't stop.

How much fan when you someone eat Manson?

Don't go away mad, just go away.

Three Might Be Duende is a perfect album closer, and ending Join Us so abruptly with You Don't Like Me is the whole record's only miscue.

Well, I guess I'd better go feed the hostages.

I don't like songs about skipping school either.

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