Meadow Enthusiast

The part in The Road when Viggo is washing the boy's head in a nuclear-green stream and the boy starts crying at the futility of it all. Not movie crying, ACTUAL crying.

The end of Queen Margot, with Isabelle Adjani standing over Vincent Cassel.

When Will You Die is a fantastic song, but I feel bad for the Johns and all the time they'll have to spend in court trying to keep Limbaugh and Beck from using it as the opening theme music in their radio shows.

And his unwillingness to sell any of his many houses to pay debts is a symbol of his personal freedom.

I'll see your hobo shotgun and raise you one hamburger phone.

Leave the anti-comedy to the professional anti-comedians.

Cage the Elephant.

That'sh imposhible.
Everyone knowsh your mother aborted you.

Here's hoping Theron does naked push-ups with a non-traditional inverse-Theron-shaped weighted robot on her back while Rapace boils and colors eggs while wearing her space Jockeys.

How about a nice greasy pork sandwich, served in a dirty ashtray.


Wait, did she just dust a cop?

The rock and roll music tells me she's tearing shit up.
I don't know what my eyes are telling me.


The spambot is alive AND IT'S HEADED THIS WAY

Okay, that is an improvement.

AVENGERS!, (the)

How is The Passion Of The Christ 2: Electric Boogaloo NOT FUNNY?

Replacing every scene with its gag-reel outtake will make any movie funnier.

David Foley is the most beautiful woman in Hollywood.