Meadow Enthusiast

B-but I thought this was Haggis-Crash, not Cronenberg-Crash!

Talk is unfairly maligned, although I was amused by a (Rolling Stone?) review whose entire content was: "Shut up."

^^ Generator was '87.

I can't tell whether it's Squire or Anderson being the dick here, so I'll just ignore the drama (*ducks*) and give this a try. Even though their last several have been wildly inconsistent, I tend to be very forgiving of these guys since they have been such a large part of my life. I actually enjoyed the majority of

The bass is a completely unnecessary instrument anyway. I doubt anyone noticed he wasn't there.

Someone registering gimmick account "28 years old doctor" in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . .


I can't believe I fell for this AGAIN. I am also a 28 years old doctor, mature and beautiful.and now I am seeking a good man who can give me real love , so i got a username Andromeda2002 on—s'e'ek'c'ou'ga'r.c om—.it is the first and best club for y'ounger women and old'er men, or older women and y'ounger men,to


C30 C60 C90 GO!

What comes after F, G?
I give this a G+.

You have permanently blinded Glut with your radiant supernova of firsticity. I hope you're happy.

May you be incorrectly diagnosed by videotape and suffer a very public death amidst a frenzied media circle jerk.

Hey, you're right.
Now 'tis I who have been Hodg'd.

Goosio, you are a friend to Maltese children everywhere.

What would that be in human years?

Hodgman's latest moustache Twitter:
Now I pass friends on the street without saying hello.
Them: "Hey! It's me!"
Me: "Sorry. I didn't recognize you with my new mustache."

You done been Hodged!

Here are the 700 cat-o'-nine lashes you requested.