Meadow Enthusiast

I'll jealsou YOU, ya damn handbag!


Like a _______ on the wind.

Solution: Adjust ticket prices to $5 per arm.

I a'm a 23 ye'ar old ap'ostrop'he fe'tishis't.

You cannot be seriou.

Telling trenchant truths to terrible trolls 'til 2012!

Only if you promise to stop being creepy.

No, that's not it at all. I'm talking about the one where LaBeouf says something about Ford privately applauding his outspokenness, then Ford recalling the conversation differently.

Robot, your post history is like a Jobim samba.

Hey, at least Kathy Ireland was pleasant to look at.

In each of those lifetimes, he is living downtown in 25 different cities in 25 different brands of refrigerator boxes.

Laboeuf: stop stealing my precious fluids!

Hey, does anyone have the actual Ford quote on Shia?

*Giant monster/dinosaur/robot/homunculus is chasing us*

Together at last!

Only if you mustard.

Everybody rappin' like it's a commercial,
Actin' like life is a big commercial.

I would tax all people posting in this thread.

I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just gonna be all talented and handsome at you!