Meadow Enthusiast

Takes me away
To where I've always heard it could be
Just a dream and the wind to carry me
And soon I will be free

Bella Swan'll make ya…

I've heard that just like hair and fingernails continue to grow after you die (they don't), testes continue to produce sperm for several hundred years after death.

List of things that can be girded:

Shut up, asswolf!

The guitars will probably go WHEEDLY WHEEDLY WHEE and the drums will likely go BUBBADA BUBBADA BUBBADA, Bob Dylan Thomas Dolby Digital Underground Kings Of Leon Russell Simmons.

I think they all have shirt allergies, like Iggy Pop.
Except instead of sneezing, they fire their guitarist.

Is Anne Murray still alive?
She's pretty good.

I wouldn't listen to this even if they decide to give it away now.


This is how 1,000 year old trees must see human activity
with their creepy little tree eyes oh how I hate them.

"Who is Jude Law? He's one of our finest actors."

Kevorkian too!
Dammit, I wanted him to live long enough to kill ME.

After they exiled their talented guitarist everything went downhill.
Oh, and there is a wall of spikes at the bottom of the hill.

The :rolleyes: never ends.

The fact that she looked in the mirror and decided she wasn't pretty enough represents everything that is wrong with everything.

OK, I couldn't even make it to the 1:00 mark.
Meadow wins gold!

If you haven't been desensitized to E-Stupid by now, you both win The Internet Lightweight Medal (bronze).

Craig, I haven't yet seen Funny Games (I only know its reputation) but anything that incites anyone to run out and get Zorn's Naked City is worth a try.

She was also great as Beethoven's (Gary Oldman's) obsession in Immortal Beloved.