Meadow Enthusiast

You think YOU like ham?
Wait 'til you see ME like ham!

That's because it's not titled "Z-List Celebrity Key Party"

Shawn Levy
started out as the reprehensible Jim in Zombie Nightmare (What are you looking at? EAT YOUR ICE CREAM) and it all went downhill from there.

Thanks for the offer, Prep, but I think I'm gonna let this offer sway in the breeze a little while longer.

Joe Elloitt's Chagrin
The phrase and the concept are great enough to make me want to re-name my band.


How much feels date?

@Stumpy - Where did I say I didn't like Dawson? If you didn't get my suggestion that she had been out-twee-ed by this video, that's YOUR misinterpretation. WPV went off on the ugly angle.

Kimya Dawson
You have met your match.

People won't be people when they hear this sound
that's been glowing in the dark on the edge of town
People won't be people, no
the people won't be people when they hear this sound
Won't you show me what begins on the edge of town.


broast is to broil and roast as brunch is to breakfast and lunch.

One quarter of George Washington's head
Half of George Washington's head
Three quarters of George Washington's head

It's because he is so violently unthreatening.

The Young Mountain EP and self-titled full-length from This Will Destroy You are all kinds of awesome, although TWDY is so pissed off at being called post-rock that they completely changed their sound to avoid being lumped in with EITS. That's like being upset about being called a rock band because there are so many

Well, what are we going to do unless they are?

What's that blue thing doing here?

Okay, How about "Physically attacked by an actual egg, literally."
Doesn't have the same OOMPH.

One of the few movies I have NEVER grown tired of.

"Attacked by an egg."