Meadow Enthusiast

This abomination is rife with "lyrics" that accent the wrong syllables, making it sound extremely unnatural. Also, as shitty as Ke$ha is, at least she seems comfortable in front of a camera.

Tick tock and the puns don't stop.

Brilliant, JVS.

That was actually either putrescent brain ichor seeping through his scalp, or chocolate syrup from a sundae that had just fallen on his head, out of shot. But whatever.

Clarification: are we beating up the customers or destroying the seats? I'd feel silly doing the wrong thing.

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the hottest jazz-funk combo in Brooklyn…. The Ernest Borg Nine!

I'd frost that pie.

Can I just jump in here to say that this is, in fact, the first time I have posted in this thread?

Pearce played that wariness-that could-be-misinterpreted-as threatening bit to subtle perfection. Actually, I can't think of another recent film that was so perfectly cast all across the board.

I always confuse Rainbow Butt Monkeys with Richie Blackmore's Arctic Monkeys.

Came in here to say APOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED due to his Disnified Top 40 pablum and absolute douchetastic personal life, but then realized 70's-80's Genesis was a big part of my musical education and I can't hate him. Saw them on the Mama tour and it was a big influence.

Sound the Horn Of Urgency!
It's about time The Huntsman got his own movie, but don't these people know Charleton Heston is dead? No one else is qualified for the part.

Ready new gimmick………

Aishwarya Rai sez:
Tell him to make pickle of his phones.

Gimmick Leeching 101

I thought Wendy Williams was dead.
O, that's right.
Never mind.

Ladies and Gentlemen….YOUR 2011 Charlie Daniels Band Street Team!

I know Sean Penn, and you, Hapless Flunky, are no Sean Penn.

He was the highest-paid actor on ALL OF TELEVISION, and a million bucks an episode buys a lot of silence. It's all over, though, so NOW he can say what everyone else* thought all along.