Meadow Enthusiast

I almost read your spoiler, then decided not to in case it was something I want to be surprised by later.

There is only one person in the world who should be totally disembowelled and thrown in a sewer and you, sir, are that person.

Yes' "Five Percent For Nothing" on repeat.
Especially if I'm in an uncontrollable spin.

Laser Loggins > Laser Floyd

I thought he really nailed the nuanced emotion of what it's really like to be liquefied by his own dreams and sprayed all over the ceiling. That must have taken some serious research.

And a few silly hats.

Moby and Katie Jane Garside.

What comes secony?

I've told
every little star
just how lame I think you are

The King's Peach

Hey Shepard, the next time you see that Illusive jerk, steal his cigarette and shove it right in his freaky eye, would you? That guy needs a lesson in humility.

Caret Reply Archive Entry #4296

We have reached a period in the development of our popular culture when not selling out is exactly the same thing as selling out. So I say to Banksy: GO BANANAS!

I have no doubt that as soon as Commander Shepard downloads it on to his omni-tool, he'll be sure to tell us.

@same odor - I don't know what your problem is, simply because I you someone eat it.

Hey! I used to play bass for Vaginas = Legs!

This week's 'COMMUNITY SUCKS'.

As long as Lincoln totes an Uzi and there are plenty of time-saving condiments around, I say we greenlight this mother.

You must be new here. You don't just order people around, you have to gently release your post — let it float out over the crowd and let them eviscerate you in their own sweet time.