Meadow Enthusiast

Well, his unique rock style IS his claim to fame.

When will the Internet do something worthwhile…
…like convincing Hodgson to hook back up with Supertramp?

What amazes me is that he comes staight out and admits that he is setting up an assembly line to churn out as many unoriginal, copycat books and films as possible, all homogenized and focus-grouped for maximum profit.

Re: Frey and Damien Hirst, what is the difference between 'art' and 'fine art'?

Why couldn't this have been James Frey?

The correct question is: WHAT is an Alex Pettyfer?

Thanks for your input, Caret!

May you feel Ripley 7's pain.

The actor who played 'Phil Selway' seemed unprepared for the emotional complexity of the role. Minor recasting could make this the sleeper hit of the season. - St. Louis Post-Dispatch

I have all the info up on my Geocities site.

Wel I'M here to have an abortion and kick ass.
And I'm all out of ass.

As long as it isn't a ban on pink houses I couldn't care less.

I can't wait until I'm old enough to feel ways about stuff.

That was the weakest Nicole Krauss impersonation I've ever seen.

Nxt gmmck!


I always hoped Cornell would team up with Ian Thornley from Big Wreck, who has a remarkably similar voice.

You big dummy!

Jervilian Swike FTW!

Well bugger me with a fish fork, you CAN do it!