Meadow Enthusiast

The word "genius" is thrown around a lot these days, but good grief!

Lebowski 2: Curtain Things Have Cone To Fight.

I don't care if it's David Thewlis giggling like a girl for 90 minutes, just make it already.

No Skinny Puppy = No Sale

His real name is Babatunde O'Hanrahan.

… a fair cop.

Plus he's smart enough to lead a charge into battle driving an American automobile from the future.

O'Neal, you accidentally posted your Onion article on AVC.

The band Yes is also now the White Stripes, so when asked if they are and they answer "Yes" it may not be a clear answer, but at least Chris Squire can lie awake tonight after his second bottle of wine and sigh contentedly to himself that he is, at last, a 300-pound yellowfin tuna.

James Franco: I would be great in this, where 'this' equals every role in every movie in production, currently and for the foreseeable future.

Sleep out in the blizzard and go as Harrison.

Why can't I quit my job forever, wait a year then show up again declaring a "comeback"?

Sincere apologies, loyal customer.
In compensation we present to you your very own Facebook.
Enjoy your brand new Facebook.

Little really could have capitalized on that invitation by doing his entire routine as Colbert.

Turn and pose!

All that Shelly Duvall bit needs is a wicked-ass beat and there's your chorus right there.

Well reasoned, Yee Yee.

If you can't laugh at yourself, laugh at others.
Barring that, is it all right with GLAAD if we laugh at inanimate objects?
That lamppost over there doesn't have a team of lawyers.


Ladies and gentlemen: Arch Hall, Jr. and his Invisible Rocking Teen Combo!