Meadow Enthusiast

Forget ye not CELEBRITY POKER.

Band names that are not only complete sentences, but are also grammatically correct are so 2009. Paragraph-long names are where it is at!

He and Christopher Eccleston were both in Anchoress, before either were very well known (by name, anyway). Great performances!

No one has ever named a child after himself ever in the history of civilization. You are a liar and a cad and I challenge you to an e-staring contest to the death.

It is difficult to believe, knowing what has transpired, that Perry was once a "Christian" artist. I believe her fall from God's grace occurred precisely when she discovered the existence of the aforementioned "Devil's dumplings".

Up until this thread, I was not aware that "Taylor Swift" was the name of a person. I just assumed it was a descriptive label of a professional custom clothier who works quickly.

Didn't expect much from The Expendables, but good lord. I couldn't make it past Arnold's ridiculous cameo, and I rarely bail on movies no matter how bad. I don't care if it then turned into Citizen Kane, if that steaming pile doesn't sweep the Razzies I will renounce all of humanity. We get it, Sly, you're a rough,

ROME on blu-ray

I too have wandered into this thread with a vital post that I don't know what anyone is talking about. Also, I have forgotten the name of my 8th grade math teacher. Stay tuned for further updates on what I don't know.


No thanks, I don't like it melty.

Big eyes + yelling = ???

Felicitous compliments of the gorging season to you all! Peace on Earth, and fat tums to all men.

failed hugsies

The Machinist would like a word with you.

Hot potato orchestra stalls Puck will make amends!

May you be roasted alive on a spit made of your own spine.

HasselBECK is not pronounced HassleBACK.
It is pronounced Hangupyourcleatsalready.

There is no way Madden is human, so of course the only logical explanation is that he was built.

Sure, you say that now.
But I think you'll change your mind.