Meadow Enthusiast

Dear Mr. Kubrick's Corpse,

Article XVIc - No award will ever be given for a film that incorporates any element of plagiarism, including references, asides, homages and other unconscionable jiggery-pokery.

My name is 'The Quirk' and I'm a failaholic.

Y'all are laughing now, but this is how all the kool kidz are saying 'turn on the light' nowadays.

What body part of a deer has a band NOT been named after?
Once they are all used up, I predict we will see several random words strung together and one of them must be 'deer' to earn indie cred.


Eventually Kinkade will have to come clean.

Somehow you have confused the First Couple of Italy with a Whitesnake video.

There is no panhandling allowed on the Internet.
Or loitering.

The best way to stop giving trolls ideas is to stop giving trolls ideas.

The Last Genderbender.

Anyone who hasn't played it should give it a try.
Just grab a shovel and head to the desert.

It's not even as subtle as "Sugar Walls".

I would actually pay to see a sequel with Cage in the Malkovich role.

No, but he has a nice smile, so there's that.

I thoroughly approve of the joy-joy way you took down Bullock, Horrible Nameles One.

I hereby challenge anyone to use the word ASUNDER in a sentence without pairing it with TORN, or any of its variations.

Just because he acknowledges it while he's sober and with a camera trained on him, doesn't mean he feels that way drunk and in private.

People still confuse their ambivalence toward Tron: The Movie with their love of Tron: the Arcade Game, which was awesome.

That is not something a gerbil would say.