
I found Collider weirdly un-engaging, and the 'cocky sex-hound' main character was both corny and annoying. So there's a counter-point on that.

Manhattan Projects is the third Hickman series I've tried to get into - after everyone saying how good he was - and I just do not get the man's writing style. Constantly more and more plotlines, more and more characters, with no resolutions in sight. It's so unsatisfying, drives me crazy.

It's easily the worst thing Morrison's ever done. I don't even get what it was supposed to be. At all.

Thirdeded, on the underdrawn thing.

The two Seaguy series have been my favourite comics of the last decade. I'm not always on board with Morrison's madness, but it works on Seaguy so well. It's like a fairy tale for grown-ups.

More like 40 pages with ads…

Now then. I am from the UK, where country-music (nu or olde) has no toe-hold in popular culture whatsoever. However, I've lived in Toronto for two years, during which time I have regularly watched CMT to amuse myself. Most of the songs seem to be on a par with 'What Would You Do?' from Team America, and are so