Fatback Wheatfield

I'll be in your closet while you're sleeping.

I'll be in your closet while you're sleeping.

I wish I'd never been born.

I wish I'd never been born.

i heard that david fincher would be even MORE detailed if he wasn't trying to end shoots early so he could get in a round of golf.

nope.  no eyes have ever popped out.  then again, his aren't as "buggy" as others.  he's pretty normal.   except for the ghastly farts.  and the snoring.

so herschel wants to keep zombies around because it just ain't right to kill people and, after all, they're just sick people.  but, apparently, if you're a sick person you don't deserve real food.  just a sack full of disabled chickens.

I have a pug and this video is kind of awesome.  I just don't think I could ever make myself dress him up.  Hell, it's hard enough fighting off all of the people who want to do that to him in the first place.

I can't believe Kramer's performance as Dr. Martin Van Nostrand wasn't mentioned.  That whole scene is one of my favorites in the whole series.

I heard that the scene was supposed to go longer and more in depth but that steve martin really wanted to go golfing so he cut it short on purpose.