
Yup. Just because it's ultimately about something more than just scares doesn't mean it fails to pull off the scares effectively. The game at the end (knocking on the wall then turning around to catch the approaching children) is chilling.

"He grew up in South Carolina. So it's totally reasonable for him to find the request kind of stupid."

The scene where she whacks Bill Murray across the head with a toaster oven remains to this day one of my favorite moments of Scrooged, and it never fails to make me laugh out loud.

It must include Gargoyles, Earth 2, and, of course, Carnivale.

I wonder if it's just me, but I think the 90s hair looks a lot better than the shaved head thing that's so prevalent these days.

Minor nitpick: when you're talking about the company, it's "DuPont," but when you're talking about a member of the family, it's "du Pont" (except in the case of Civil War hero Samuel Francis).

Definitely an overlooked gem. Sam Waterston is effing hilarious in that movie, and even though you can see his character's fate coming a mile away, it still packs a punch. It's pretty entertaining seeing Hal Holbrooke as a villain; he just has this affable, grandfatherly air to him that makes him such an interesting

That'll be a great one. I'd enjoy seeing a question about Gulliver's Travels, just because for a while in the 90s and aughts, these Halmi/Henson fantasy miniseries were all the rage and I'd be curious if Danson has any interesting stories about that.

It's also got Dennis Franz and John Amos. The movie's a blast.

That's surely what the creative team behind Dungeons & Dragons was thinking, too. But they went terribly wrong.

No complaints here.

Fantasy Presque Island.

As someone who hadn't read the book before seeing the movie, I watched it and was pretty impressed by the representation of people of color in prominent STEM/leadership roles. The program director was African American, the most skilled scientist at NASA was African American, the head of JPL was Asian American, the


I think he really does believe it. If he wanted to just put on a front for the rubes, he'd probably have joined a less wacky and alienating religion than the Seventh Day Adventists.

He also doesn't understand the difference between the debt limit and the budget, but hey, he's very Jesusy.

The people who drive me nuts are the ones who insert an extra space in front of question marks and exclamation points. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard.


She'll always be New York's Cutest Reporter.

You know, Will Smith enunciates Earth just fine in that.