
I only saw the first Transformers movie, but I couldn't tell what was happening in any of the action sequences in that because they were so hectic and chaotic and poorly choreographed. Stargate and Independence Day have great action sequences. There may be some spotty writing here and there, but they're well directed

"Bill, what possessed you to negotiate a raise that would cripple the station?"
"And what has that greed gotten you?"
"And what has that money gotten you?"
"Happiness, but stop trying to cheer me up."

That's not really true. Certainly there are people who push that sort of sociopathy as an admirable norm, but it's not the historical reality that businesses exist for only one thing (maximizing profits).

She's a fine girl.

Doesn't he drop a line in Scream 2 about how he finally slept with someone, shortly before he dies?

Steve Buscemi is a genuinely talented actor and from all accounts is a really good human being. But I feel like anything which associates his face with a particular food would not be an advertising success.

There's another good lampshading bit in that movie, where Powers is in England and says, "You know what's remarkable? Is how much England looks in no way like Southern California."

He's considerably better at it on DS9.

Nah, Eastwood is definitely a tool as well. I mean, the guy's a fantastic actor and an even better director, but read up on the stuff he did to Sondra Locke and it's pretty clear he's also not a great human being.

That's a great scene. I'm also amused by a similar one, also involving Worf. He's having a conversation with Chief O'Brien about the Enterprise, and O'Brien mentions how they could never keep the holodecks working right. Made me laugh.

We're talking about Maggie Lizer's seeing eye dog, right?

A noun, a verb, and 9/11.

'…The War Of The Planet Of The Apes will turn Caesar into a “mythic ape figure, like Moses.”'

I doubt I'll have any interest in seeing this movie. But I will say that I recently visited the Snake River Gorge for the first time; it was quite impressive. And I'm even less interested in trying to fly over that thing on a rocket.

Yeah, I was going to say, the launch of Obamacare WAS pretty embarrassing.

It's true, and it evokes the classic line Michael Caine made about Jaws 4: “I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific."

Someone notify the Hague.

He's good on some economic issues. I'd say that environmental issues are more economic than social and he was actually pretty great in that area. His support of the stimulus during the Great Recession was also a huge deal.

Sonny Landham also ran for several offices in Kentucky. He was unsuccessful, despite such vote-winning moves (in Kentucky) as attending white supremacist organization events.

Perhaps. I would also argue that the electorate itself was a huge part of the problem, since many of the issues with Schwarzenegger's administration were fiscal problems caused by him doing exactly what the voters wanted, which was undoing the vehicle licensing fees.