
Not without a long-form birth certificate.

There were a number of problems with the guy's governorship, but I used to argue with a Californian friend who claimed he was stupid. I always maintained that Schwarzenegger was in no way stupid — he's very intelligent and a fantastic businessman. And he, obviously, has plenty of charisma and showmanship as his

I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with Sarkeesian and providing reasons for their disagreement.

That's a pretty terrible critique of the article. The article makes some points and goes to some lengths to substantiate and explain those points. If you have a problem with them, you could, you know, try to refute what it's saying to explain why its perspective is wrong instead of just calling it heresy and

Why should the government care? Can't think of any reasons!


And just like Lysa's kid, her kid in Babadook has an interest in pushing girls out of high-up houses.

Wasn't that also the era in which Australia lost a war against a bunch of birds?

Okay. Just go Cheney yourself.

I was taken aback by the picture at the article lead. He's striking in it.

I'll just ignore all the personal insults you threw in there, because they were completely unnecessary. If you need to add those to feel like you're fluffing yourself up, good for you.

I'm not crazy about some of his stances. I've said that. A lot of his positions I disagree with entirely. But on the whole, I stand by the position that he's been good for progressive causes and he's been good for the country. I'm not presenting an apologia for him, I'm recognizing that politics is imperfect and so

I'm boggling at the attempt to portray Biden as a Republican. He's far from it. He got his start in politics pushing for integrationist policies with schooling, and he's consistently been a strong progressive since then even though he's made some bad calls on some issues.

Honestly I think you have to go all the way back to Roosevelt and Coolidge for the last good Republican vice presidents.

For me, the most defining disqualifier of Jindal is his disastrous response to the State of the Union early in the president's first term.

It is a beautiful, lovely city, and one of my favorite in the south — though I think I give an edge to Savannah.

Yeah, there are at least half a dozen establishments near me that claim they hosted Washington at one point. I live in an area that he traveled through on a fairly regular basis (northern Delaware, which hosted the Continental Army twice and which Washington went through when traveling between Mount Vernon and

I had a similar experience where a scene from a horror movie stuck with me through my life. I've always been arachnophobic since I got bitten by a spider doing yardwork as a kid. Then one night my cousins were watching one of the Poltergeist films, I snuck out of my room to watch behind a corner, and I saw one scene

dude I watched that movie 20 times Jason was DEFINITELY the killer

Yeah, as I stated earlier, I think that scene with the cameraman is easily the best in the movie, for as much praise as the opening gets. It plays with genre conventions and audience expectations and normal responses so perfectly.