
It's actually even more fun when you return and make your brother king. He's like, "Wait, seriously?"

I've gone back to the Hinterlands after having completed basically every quest there and the Crossroads is now positively bustling. Lots of people, lots of fires, lots of soldiers training, lots of conservation. It was actually really cool to see. The town has changed concretely from what it was in the beginning, when

To give BioWare some credit, though, they made the boring male second banana black in Mass Effect 2.

This would be the Ubisoft that put Valley Forge about a mile outside Boston, right?

Best damned character in the game, too.

They don't allow bees in here.

"I would differ on the 'risky' aspect of it. Gunn had made cartoony looking things in the past, so it wasn't like they hired some experimental filmmaker to make it."

They were justified in that fear.

"…well-made action movies, and little else, but that's fine because nobody
who is going to see them is expecting, or even wants, anything visually 'unique'. None of the directors they have hired have ever had much of a sense of style to them."

Honestly, who watches the Come and Get Your Love intro to Guardians of the Galaxy and then complains about bad direction?

I wasn't aware there was a DP in Interstellar. Matthew McConaughey and who else?

Detroit now has a statue of Robocop. Is that really so different? I mean, Detroit is just as awful as the Gotham City in Dark Knight Rises.

Yeah, that is a perfect summation of what was so great about her and Dave Foley on NewsRadio. One day he'd be the normal sane one while she was doing ridiculous math problems in her head or freaking out about being the sexiest newswoman, the next day she'd be the straight woman to him getting obsessed with arcades.

Eh, I dunno. I absolutely loathed Origins but I still thought it was better than the clusterfuck that was The Last Stand.

"There may be a few missing (the title at the beginning is a reference to Haneke’s Funny Games, for example)"

I don't think he's been an obstinate dick about it. Captain Marvel and Black Panther have been getting tossed around the rumor mill for quite some time, so they've clearly been in he works for a while, but there's no way Feige could really comment on them or confirm them until it was time to do a media rollout on the

"And while Marvel has featured African-American characters before in James “War Machine” Rhodes and Sam “Falcon” Wilson),"

It's just Barry from East Enders.

I don't know what that is and frankly I'm a bit afraid to look it up.

Ah, yes, the grand tradition of "What these people need is a honky."