
I absolutely agree, though just to clarify, the anecdote referred to a story Grant had heard about Bragg's service in the Mexican-American War. But I still agree with your main point. It's one of the most fascinating periods in American history.

Well, true. But that's why I pointed out Bragg, specifically, who wasn't just a run-of-the-mill officer — he was commanding the Confederate armies in one of the major theaters of the war for quite a long period of time, even though virtually every officer under him resented his command and tried to get him removed.

Yes. Grant was really a fantastic commander. When people talk about the Confederacy having "better officers," it really undersells people like Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Thomas, and so on.

He did have some very impressive abs.

That's a popular view, but it's not really true. It's mostly become accepted due to Lost Cause mythologizing. But for every inept Union officer like George McClellan, there was someone just as incompetent on the southern side, such as Braxton Bragg or John Floyd.

Chicago area haunted house, and he's not doing a tribute to H. H. Holmes? What a travesty.

That's… not a real place.

By not ignoring him, mainly.

"and second because even George R. R. Martin seems to have forgotten about the youngest Stark sibling."

Now I want an Ian Holm Random Roles.

Seconded! I love Band of Joy. Particularly Silver Rider and his cover of Low's Monkey, but also Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down and Even This Shall Pass Away. Brilliant, beautiful album.

This is literally the best thing I've ever read.

Yeah, but he spent the rest of his life after that bemoaning what an awful choice it was. So that didn't help.

A&E also did some, as I recall, rather good movies based on the Horatio Hornblower books. I haven't read those books, but the movies were good.

The Overlords are giant mechanical spiders.

Excuse me, sister…

It does help! And I think it's important that Soderbergh recognized the added authenticity that can bring to a role like that and how important it was in a lead actress. We've seen dozens of top male action stars brought in from wrestling, from bodybuilding, from football… But with the exception of, like, Red Sonja,

She doe s a fine job with the acting. I mean, she's not as nuanced an actress as someone like Scarlett Johansson — at the least, nothing she is called upon to do in Haywire indicates Gina Carano could give a performance comparable to Scarlett's in Her. But she does fine, and she capably hits the acting notes the role

Sounds like you need to go watch Haywire.

Gunn said that he had considered using Mama Told Me Not to Come in the scene where the Guardians enter Knowhere. Much as I like Moonlight Daydream in that scene, Three Dog Night would've been sublime there.