
"…the brainchild of Misha Green, who has worked in the writers’ room for Helix…"

Bleat at me no longer. We are done.

I lived seven lives at once. I was power in the ecstasy of death. I
was god to a god. Now… I'm trapped on a roof… just one roof, in this time and this place with an unstable human who drinks too much whiskey and called me a Smurf.

He's going to nail their asses.

The location was anything but boring.

The truly discerning Archer fans would be naming their kids Mancy.

It's a shame, because he genuinely is a pretty good actor. Great comic skills.

Minus 10 points for no FEMA reference on the concentration camps.

People always leaving out Kathy Najimy, the true star of Hocus Pocus.

Death Gate amazed (and delighted) childhood me with how quickly it descended into pretty dark territory. The first book was pretty light and fluffy, but the second and third introduced some rather brutal wholesale slaughter.

I've just been rereading Death Gate! Holds up better than I thought it would.

I've just recently been rereading Weis and Hickman's Death Gate Cycle
books, which I haven't read in probably… oh, I don't know, 15 years.
And I have to say I'm both impressed and surprised by how well they hold
up. In this series, Weis and Hickman both embrace the cliches of
fantasy and then turn around and flaunt

Honestly, Prohibition was going to happen eventually no matter what. That movement was too strong, too well organized, too well moneyed, and had sustained itself for too long for it to not eventually result in implementation.

He even invaded Russia! Great guy, that Wilson.

There was no formal, army-wide desegregation until Truman, but there were some white and black soldiers serving together. A white officer complained about having to take orders from Charles Young, the first African American promoted to colonel in the Army. Wilson personally had the lieutenant transferred to a new unit

It was an attempt at one, at any rate — the implication of the comment being that one of Dot's potential avenues of survival in a horror flick is closed off. If it gave offense, I apologize. If it just failed at being funny, then I remain unrepentant.

I hate to tell you this, but you're not that funny.

The classic ending line, "Here's to evolution!" remains a hilarious in-joke for me and a friend.

Well, that's what I heard.

I'll be in my bunk.