
Also, this is why I disagree with some people about Bashir/Ezri — I think their relationship developing was very necessary to give some happy spots to these characters at the end.


It's not a toy!

You prefer alien love!

I don't think him knowing about the atrocities makes him less complex or relateable. I think it emphasizes just how self-deluding he was.

I'm going to call BS on this. Her handling of the treaty with the Cardassians, and her subsequent handling of the Maquis, is… suboptimal, to say the least.

Compromised only in ethics, not in competence!

He'll suffer more staying married to her.

Ahd-meer-all Kirk.

Starfleet protocols should change the Prime Directive to be the Secondary Directive. The new Prime Directive should be, "Any time an admiral thinks to him or herself, 'This seems like a good idea. I think this will work,' he or she must get a second opinion from a junior officer."

I'm not sure I'd go quite so far as to say I think it's the most interesting…

It's true that on the whole, Starfleet's admiralty is one of the most bafflingly incompetent group ever assembled (Necheyev, I'm looking at you).

Please don't ever use those two words in combination together around me again.


Louise Fletcher can ham it up with the best of them.

I'm going to go off on a tangent here, because as much as I agree with what you're saying about how great the Dukat/Winn scenes are at showing the depth of her character, I also want to note that I like what they say about Dukat's character, by way of the stuff he knows.

Speaking of Generations and the films generally, I like the reference to the So'na in these couple episodes.

Damar's gradual transformation over the course of the series really is one of its underappreciated highlights.

That guy in the hairpiece? That was actually Bruce Willis, the whole time.