
You ain't never seen Bad Boys 2?!

Yeah, I was trying to avoid sounding like I was weighing in on the probability of the accusation being true, but I do find this one harder to believe. I just wanted to respond to the part about it being unlikely because of the person's outward social persona.

I'm not saying he did or didn't do it, but just FYI, even nice people can be rapists.

Wait, what?

Someone should shockingly turn up right behind her repeatedly when she turns around and ask her "What are YOU doing here?" ala Arlington Road.

As much as Her was a great movie generally, the vulgar alien baby was my favorite thing about it.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

It's a total lark, but I've always wanted to see W. Morgan Sheppard play Odin in American Gods.

You may not hear a Boomer complain "I liked Dylan before he was popular," but plenty of them have complained "I like Dylan before he went electric."

Not in this reality we couldn't have, sorry. I get frustrated at "we could have had a public option if Obama had just pushed for it." Because I've never heard anyone describe step by step realistically how that gets the votes of Joe Lieberman, Max Baucus, Blanche Lincoln, and Ben Nelson.

You are correct. She had better hair when she wore the blue uniform, too.

Yeah, my favorite Troi moment in the entire run of the show is when the great Ronny Cox tells her to put on a freaking uniform and her face melts.

Old George Henry still has nothing on P. G. T. Beauregard, though.

I will agree there were political forces in the Union that pushed for an end to the war several times, but I don't think I would say that means the same thing as "the Union barely won." Additionally, each time those voices rose up to call for truce, the Union won another "grand" victory to captivate the people and

But Nixon was elected chiefly by appealing to the south! Never understood that argument.

No, the win was pretty convincing. The only place the northern armies struggled was against Lee — even before then, the north was winning victory after victory in the western theater, we took the Mississippi from the south and we basically won both Tennessee and Missouri. And while Grant was besieging Lee in Richmond

That is really disappointing to hear. I've never read or watched Gods and Generals, but one of my first introductions to learning about the Civil War outside of terrible history classes in school was reading The Killer Angels, and I've felt (even upon rereads in adulthood) that it does a very fair job not falling

"the sound of a dozen mismatched accents—an American leading a cast with varying degrees of English fluency"

Crusher was much blander than Pulaski. I really liked Pulaski — she had personality. She was cantankerous and edgy, she had conflict with Picard and Data. All of that enabled her to bring more to the show than Crusher ever did, outside of Remember Me. And I'm pretty sure had Pulaski stayed on the show (oh, I wish) we

Sin ain't logical, my man.