
Absolutely agree that Bashir is the right choice to participate in that moral confrontation with Sisko. The thing I've always liked about Bashir is that he is essentially the only TNG character in the DS9 cast. This is especially ironic and amusing considering two other characters on DS9 actually WERE on TNG, but

My favorite part of the episode: Bashir's idealism. "I'd like those orders in writing, sir," he says, with that frown and that disapproving stare. Of course, Sisko already knew he would.

"Oh, I hope that wasn't a hostage."

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a
creature was stirring, except… the four assholes coming in the rear in
standard two-by-two cover formation.

Uh, guys, it was Will Smith in Enemy of the State, not Denzel.

You ain't never seen Bad Boys II?

Having just seen it, I would definitely classify it as science fiction. The film on the surface has elements of normal disaster movies. And to an extent it's focused on the survival of the two main characters. But their attempts at survival are geared around utilizing scientific knowledge and whatever technology is at

Where's Firefly, String?

Yes! That run of X-Factor, with Quicksilver, Strong Guy, Multiple Man, Polaris, Wolfsbane, and Havok was the best. Great comedy and a total deconstruction of the traditional X-Men comics with its dysfunctional cast.