
Warehouse 13 had one or two that were jarringly out of continuity.

"I guess now he has footage of what appears to be a B&E, but when he
threatened Daphne all he had was a tenuous connection to a situation
where he has a lot more to lose than she does."

No comments yet on the literal Romeo and Juliet being played out by Toby and Elisa?

Maybe this is just me, but the color of his hair has never even slightly affected my opinion of his character, or the actor himself.

Maybe this is just me, but the color of his hair has never even slightly affected my opinion of his character, or the actor himself.

Well, she DID fail the Shibboleth of pronouncing Boise with a 'z' sound, as nobody who ever lived there would.  After the DNA test, I chalked it up to ignorant writers and actors, but now I'm starting to wonder…

Well, she DID fail the Shibboleth of pronouncing Boise with a 'z' sound, as nobody who ever lived there would.  After the DNA test, I chalked it up to ignorant writers and actors, but now I'm starting to wonder…

Whoa, that never even occurred to me.  Thanks for the insight!

Whoa, that never even occurred to me.  Thanks for the insight!

See, it's an 'a' for me.  Cactabear 2.

See, it's an 'a' for me.  Cactabear 2.

They (mostly she) had some pretty ugly-American behavior in Thailand and Malawi.  I don't see them as heroes at all.

"I would never ever give a 1st away if I hadn't already won one just out of sympathy, but you should have sympathy when you've had that much success and the other team really gave it their all that day."

Try Tammy.