
The Incredibly Strange Creatures who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies

I think I'll watch "Opera" tomorrow to see if there are any real psychics on.

Cloverfield: Citizens on Patrol

When he was Under Siege.

Is that you, Ang Lee?

That's not fair, Shredder. Each one of their parents is in the hospital.

Is that you, Haggis,?

Danza refused to participate because the writers weren't black enough.

A barista is a body part? I thought it was the cute girl at Starbucks.

Crash stole Best Picture
From Capote and Good Night & Good Luck. I would have rather had Brokeback too, but it wasn't the best.

"How do we know you're NOT Mel Torme?" (cue ominous music)

Shouldn't the nation be on "final notice" (i.e. "some guys are coming!") by now?

I'm still bummed about Taco Bell winning the franchise war.

Bring back the good old days of crack war.

"A kitten dying slowly in a rat trap."
Classy. Will probably be number 1 at the box office.

Put a mask on him, and the new Leatherface is born.

Doesn't roll off the tongue like "Octopussy"
I'm just glad I don't work at a video store anymore. Listening to the blitzkrieg of stupid mispronouncements from customers would drive me batty.

Back in Black
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Hunting Season
The Final Nightmare

Prick him does he not bleed? Anyone want to find out?

Ashamed to say…
Never heard of him. Anyone who tried to create a world in which the phrase "Mayor Norman Mailer" was a reality is ok by me.