Well, I guess every vacation's got to come to an end.
Well, I guess every vacation's got to come to an end.
David Spade. Why not.
I thought the Hitchens impression was funny.
You are incorrect on the second count. It is impossible for me to have missed that; I shall never be a stranger to the sound of Scott Oxerman's singlaugh.
Kanye is more of a "Hanhh!"
I skip 20 seconds ahead at a time until I reach an uncomfortable silence
I like the idea of playing regular music from regular musical guests; comedic songs rarely ever make me laugh. That being said, I will continue to skip through CBB's songs until the show (or my existence) ceases.
Word. When's the last time we got some subtlety from this show? Any at all.
You guys excited for Arrested Development to come back?!
I hereby predict that the best episode of this season will be the one during sweeps when Steve Carrel makes a shocking return to the office. Other than that I don't think I have anything to look forward to this season
Hm. I suppose a torrenting of Clone High is in order
I don't know how to tell you guys this, but I still like OF. There's trash in there but some jewels, too. It's just that Goblin really really sucked. That thing kind of defies you to listen through it without skipping something.
That post is actually more like Crime & Punishment, but I get what you're saying.
I laughed zero times while watching this episode.
The first four Dark Towers are bawse.
Mark Zuckerberg: Alpha As Fuck
The Simpsons was only hot for my generation — which is Y; which means I suck — from grades 1 to 5 or 6. Around middle school, Family Guy blew up (if I'm remembering things correctly, which I'm probably not), and its emphasis on genitalia-based humor proved irresistible for our collectively just-pubescent minds. It…
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