The Pizza Monster

Forgot about LOSH that was a blast. I think Starfire's outfit wins…..

Except for Robin, yeah that's true. And I guess most people saw the character as damaged goods, but man, look at what they did for that character, a comic book sidekick that outgrew the role and left it behind for adulthood, becoming a LEADER. Wolfman and Perez did for Dick Grayson what Miller did for Batman but


The final great Bronze Age book:
The New Teen Titans, Marv Wolfman and George Perez. Man everything you said about the Claremoont Byrne X-Men run could be said about their Titans work(action, cliffhangers, drama drama drama!), from issue 1 to around 50 or so. Titans and X-Men were the top books and my favorites then


If the numbers turn out to be their seats on the plane I'll be annoyed.

Absolutely spot on observations, entertaining, and always with a fresh angle on episodes we've all watched over and over for years.

Scotty needs to speak to Starfleet HR
I thought "That Which Survives" was pretty great spookiness when I was a kid, I liked it for the same reasons rewatching it. Kirk not seducing/judo chopping his way out of a problem(with a hot girl x3?!) made it seem like he was really in a tight spot, especially with the ship too

I wasn't sure about your post at first, which awkwardly built a trying-too-hard-to-sound-casual sentence around the word "FIRST", but upon further examination of your work, you fail. You have to clever about it man, how many times have we seen "I wasn't sure at first blah blah.." on these boards, amirite people?

Diana Muldaur was way hot in season 2's "Return To Tomorrow"
Why no love?

The neighbor killed Rita.
You heard it here first.

I'd love that douche lord who wrote that mind-numbigly stupid comment about the WTC to come to NY so he can say it to my face. Anytime.

Yes you are.

Your first of many fails, congrats

yes Lil' Guppy, pizza day too.

The return of AV Club Trek Fridays AND happy hour starting soon?
Thank you, thank you so very much. Awesome line btw Zack: seduce-and-destroy. Tshirt worthy, I would even buy it in the Onion store.

@Herc Rock and all: I think amc.com has The Prisoner free streaming episodes if you don't wanna netflix it. Ain't the modern age grand?

The guy doesn't make bad movies.

Yes, better than the Avatar trailer
I know Avatar will be amazing but the trailer for it reminds me of… dare I speak it?
SW: Episode I:The Phantom Menace.

@hercules rockefeller(would be an awesome band name btw)
Prisoner is a groundbreaking series and pretty amazing on a few different levels.
Patrick McGoohan wrote, produced and starred(unheard of back then, Desi Arnez did it all but write I believe). The show subverted the secret agent craze that was the hot genre of the