The Pizza Monster

Awesome Kirk moment in III:
Excelsior Captian: "Kirk, if you do this, you'll never sit in the captain's chair again."
Kirk: "Warp speed."

Man I'm bummed this is on hiatus but stoked for the Prisoner as well.

Argh ** Who WEREN'T talking to you..etc

* Who WERE'T talking to you..etc

@Ajax- I was raised was not to embarrass someone if they didn't pronounce something correctly, it's no one's place least of all mine. And how does your being raised to care about being correct allow calling out strangers who didn't have your upbringing or education? Who wasn't talking to you in the first place? Did

P.S. Much like the Godawful title to the new Weez album kills it for me.

The capital F, needlessly drawing attention to what should be sly, killed it for me in a "look at me I'm clever" kinda way.

SyFy channel could totally do a modern day version of this show. Teri Garr could costar as the boss with a new young duo as her agents. Any Trek actor from any show could guest star.
Why the hell not there's been worse ideas.

"then again, no one's paying me to be a writer, overworked or not."

Zack, ha true. But hey when have sci fi guards used their brains? I'm looking at you, Stormtroopers. Orders are "swords only", not, "You two first in an orderly fashion" They're just followin' orders is all.
JBMD, (how you doing buddy), yeah the Son of God stuff… I dunno, we had big giant cat and sorcery for their

OK I'm glad this is being addressed. Tinsel, your apology started out classy, but adding that you'll be quiet unless specific kinda negated it. An apology with conditions is not really an apology is it?
I find nothing more infuriating than people pointing out mistakes like that. We know what he meant to write, we get

"They… threw me a few curves - - no time to explain."
Great write up Zack, but I don't think these eps get the props they deserve. "Bread" at least.
Yes we've seen it before with Chicago and the Nazis, but this one does it best. The interplay between Spock and McCoy is never better, whether they're in the Procounsul's

For your next party mix

Genius Rich' thanks

Man….. just………. Damn.

Squirrels, please tell me that did not happen.

I haven't head it but again it must be Shattastic (thank you JBMD from the other thread). I really hope Zack does the movies after season 3.

Yeah that was a pretty massive Shatquake. I watched just that part a few times in awe.
He may only only top it once, but he does it every episode: The opening credits.

This is how Paramount fucked their biggest franchise and why it really shows in Star Trek 5: It looks like they spent 200 bucks on the whole film.
ST5 is just so depressing to watch after the awesome first 4 films. After a time travel(i.e. budget saving) trip to modern day San Fran in ST4, you'd think we'd get some

* here!