
I've tried, I really have and I appreciate why some people love this but Review just doesn't work for me. Forrest is just too ridiculous a character to connect with, and it just leaves me cold. Apart from the occasional smile, I'd have to give this one and a half stars. I can't possibly be the only one, am I?

I tend to skew early with their discography because I loved them right from the start and then kind of forgot about them. But every time I go back to them, I'm very happy with the results. I did a retrospective interview/article about them, but I see it was actually 10 years ago but there's some good bits in it:

If it wasn't for the tenuous Batman connection, everyone would have given up on this completely by now. After this week, I just can't do this any more - it isn't getting any better and probably won't. It surely can't be back for another season, can it?

I just can't any more. I fast forwarded through big chunks of this because it is just so fucking stupid. People do stupid things for stupid reasons and don't even do them well. There's no attempt to go deep to find something interesting, just women being offered up on tables and in cages. This is not Classic Poe at

'My Favourite Dress' by The Wedding Present would be my glaring omission to the list. So much sadness, so much fuzzy guitar goodness…

I agree about there being too much show for the time allocated - 20 more minutes would have dealt with a lot of the issues with things feeling hurried. But how often do American reality shows feel like they genuinely be longer than they are?

C is a bit harsh. As a fan of The Great British Bake Off, I was impressed at how untouched it was. They kept a lot of the low-keyness and got rid of all the wacky auditioning that gets in the way of most US reality shows. But as someone else commented, the pacing really suffered because of the show only being 42

The thing that really changed about the show for me is that it used to do all the quirky stuff effortlessly and now it just feels so contrived and laboured. Sad. I'm going to pretend the fourth season didn't happen. And maybe some of the third too.

Sigh. This week was REALLY hard going - it was all wheel spinning and torture porn. And like I said last week, it seems like half the planet is in on the conspiracy which makes it really easy to get anything done. I'm just waiting for each of the non-Bacon characters to be revealed as being on Joe's side. Such lazy

Sigh. This is like American Horror Story all over again - I can't stop watching even though I'm rolling my eyes so severely for 60 minutes that I can see my cerebellum. 
I've never wanted Kevin Bacon to hit a lucky shot as badly as I did when he was emptying his gun at that helicopter. If his last bullet hit the rotor