
Oh, my argument was that it wasn't Ultimates influenced just by situation. Like it wasn't quite a universe of heroes yet, so it made sense to establish a centrality around an agency that's been in the MCU since film 1.
BUT one they decided to do the SHIELD stuff- a lot of Ultimates aesthetics were influential . Just my

Takes a lot of execs to make a film
Well honey, Josh Trank knows that ain't truue!

It's totally okay you like Tsotsi as do I! Just know even that film which won an Oscar has a decent bit of backlash because this is the internet and people love to bitch.


*thinks of last episode of Alpha…cries a littie

capn'n am, black widow, and hawkeye all wear outfits that could be considered tights imo.

Eh, he's over-exaggerating, it wasn't great but the movie isn't trying to be anything more than the 1st movie (which a lot people imo weirdly regard as a classic) dumb Hollywood fun. It just landed a tad more in the dumb than the fun camp for me.
FWIW, while grades aren't the end all, be all B- from the Avclub seems

Or maybe the centrality of SHIELD is needed because there aren't rights to other franchises and SHIELD had been around since Iron Man 1.

Eh, anything where you have to answer to producers can be super tricky/annoying.

honestly i think BLT has a seriously deep problem with emotional honesty. i used to be the same way and literally COULD NOT HANDLE when someone was expressing themselves in a way i could never see myself doing…this would lead to me belittling their honestly to hide my emotional cowardice.

yeah Savage Love comments are probably the BEST threads on AVclub to post personal stuff- just makes sense.

He really needed an "expert" opinion to help..and focus..and something, something munchies.

Also doesn't help one of the most famous romantic comedies ever has the line "Men and women can't be friends".

scientific fact: all genders have assholes.

man…i know it's not quite true socially yet, but you gay guys have it easy- seems like BS of meeting and hooking up is a lot more straightforward.

i liked your comment just because i think all films should end in 20 minute hardcore lesbian porn even films where the casting for that would be tricky:
Star Wars
12 Angry Men

As a former "nice guy" my reasoning was never so malicious but then again have had some problems with depression myself.

Beast fan here!

yeah, was expecting at least more of a joke besides: "Gambit sucks lol."

Jessica Jones- Alias coming to Netflix this fall should be exactly what you're looking for.